God Never Runs Out of Creative Ways to Reach Muslims!

People once thought mission work involved a small set of skills: theology, medicine, teaching, or relief. Today, there is a broader understanding of how to reach the nations with the gospel. People now recognize that personal contact with those unfamiliar with the gospel is a crucial element. For example, some have established businesses to provide [...]

God Is At Work in Uzbekistan!

Uzbekistan is a former Soviet Socialist Republic that is oscillating between Sunni Islam and secularism. The government is understandably weary of Islamicists, so it clamps down on any religious activities. Unfortunately, that includes the emerging infant Church. Government restrictions are very real to people in Uzbekistan who call Christ Lord. For that reason, and because [...]

Praying For a New Gateway in India

Is the term "gateway" meaningful to you? A team of 10 people in a city in India hopes their efforts will help reach the country's 2,000 unreached people groups. This summer, they pray, share the gospel, and discipline new Christian believers. Will they find people willing to listen? [...]

Going Where The Gospel is Not Preached in Myanmar

In Romans 15:20, the Apostle Paul tells us, … I make it my ambition to preach the Gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else's foundation…" Without others following Paul's lead, the Gospel would have sputtered out in Jerusalem and Judea. Paul recognized [...]

Spring Gospel Initiatives Spring Forth in Buddhist Thailand

Thailand is a Buddhist country that needs the One who is the way, the truth, and the life. For centuries, they have worshipped spirits and the Buddha to find good fortune in an uncertain world. They need to seek and find the Lord of Lords. Yet, the Thai people [...]

Bringing God’s Holy Fire to the Land of Fire

When one thinks of Azerbaijan, they often think of fire. Natural gas leaks cause fires to burn nonstop in many places. For over 1,000 years, travelers and locals have both been fascinated and fearful of this phenomenon. Fire is also a key symbolic element in Azerbaijan's ancient Zoroastrian religion, [...]

Relationships Are Opening Spiritual Doors in Hindu Nepal

Rarely can someone walk into a Hindu village and preach the gospel. One must first establish relationships based on friendship and trust. That is happening in a particular Nepali village. A missionary team spends time with the children by playing games and leading sports events. Their efforts will eventually [...]

It’s a Long Way Home for Trafficked Cambodian Women

A mission group reports an emerging human trafficking situation in Buddhist Southeast Asia. To address this, the group is rescuing women in the border districts of Myanmar and Thailand. A high percentage of these women are from Cambodia. In recent months, they have rescued 30 women being led to [...]

Repentance Comes to a Malian Prison!

In recent years, good news has been rare in Mali, a Muslim nation in the Sahel Desert. Muslim terrorists have infiltrated their government. Situations like this mean thousands of violent people are in the prison system. Thieves, murderers, and other violent men share prison cells with vulnerable women and [...]

Will Muslims Discover Discovery Groups?

Algeria has been staunchly Muslim since Islamic armies conquered North Africa in the 500s. Before that time, North Africa was marginally Christian, but few had access to the Bible. Today, a team of Christian workers is trying to bring Christ to the people of North Africa. They are called [...]

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