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1040 Window Kids

1040 Window Kids

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5 days ago

1040 Window Kids
In Lebanon, Only 55% of Children Under One Year Old Receive Complete Vaccinations.In Lebanon, just 55% of children under one year old have received all the necessary and timely doses of vaccines. This low vaccination rate raises concerns about the potential for outbreaks of preventable diseases. Efforts are needed to improve healthcare access and ensure that all children receive their vaccinations to protect public health.#pray #prayer #IntercessoryPrayers #intercessors #WIN1040 #prayfor1040windowkids #HopeForChildren Source: Mission Source ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

1040 Window Kids
Ethiopian Children Endure Severe Forms of Child Labor, Including Forced Domestic Work and Exploitation.Children in Ethiopia face some of the worst forms of child labor, including forced domestic work, commercial sexual exploitation, and hazardous tasks in traditional weaving. These conditions expose them to significant risks and undermine their well-being and development. Addressing these issues requires urgent intervention to protect these vulnerable children and ensure their rights and safety.#pray #prayer #IntercessoryPrayers #intercessors #WIN1040 #prayfor1040windowkids #HopeForChildren Source: Mission Source ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

1040 Window Kids
Children in Eritrea Endure Forced Military Training and Labor.Children in Eritrea face severe exploitation, including forced military training linked to national service, forced agricultural labor, and recruitment by state armed groups for armed conflict. These practices highlight a grave violation of children's rights and the urgent need for intervention. Advocacy for these vulnerable youth remains critical in the fight against such abuses.#pray #prayer #IntercessoryPrayers #intercessors #WIN1040 #prayfor1040windowkids #HopeForChildren Source: Mission Source ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

1040 Window Kids
Djibouti Adopts Law Ensuring Refugees' Rights Equivalent to Citizens.Nearly 40% of refugees in Djibouti are school-age children, prompting the country to adopt a law granting refugees rights equivalent to those of citizens. This progressive legislation aims to enhance the living conditions and integration of refugees into society. The move reflects Djibouti's commitment to promoting education and support for vulnerable populations.#pray #prayer #IntercessoryPrayers #intercessors #WIN1040 #prayfor1040windowkids #HopeForChildren Source: Mission Source ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

1040 Window Kids
African Governments Urged to Champion Children's Rights.Advocates are calling on African governments to take stronger action in championing the rights of children. This appeal emphasizes the importance of protecting children's welfare, ensuring access to education, healthcare, and safe environments, as well as addressing issues such as child labor and exploitation.#pray #prayer #IntercessoryPrayers #intercessors #WIN1040 #prayfor1040windowkids #HopeForChildren Source: Mission Source ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

1040 Window Kids
Children Endure Forced Labor in Cattle Herding and Domestic Work.Children in Chad face severe exploitation through forced labor in cattle herding and domestic work, highlighting a critical issue of child rights violations. This situation calls for urgent international attention and comprehensive efforts to protect vulnerable children from exploitation and provide them with proper education and opportunities.#pray #prayer #IntercessoryPrayers #intercessors #WIN1040 #prayfor1040windowkids #HopeForChildren Source: Mission Source ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

1040 Window Kids
Syrian Children Amid Escalating Violence and Exploitation.Syrian children are tragically exposed to escalating violence and forced into dire situations, including becoming child soldiers or entering the workforce prematurely to support their families. Their vulnerability underscores an urgent need for compassion, protection, and international efforts to safeguard their rights and ensure their well-being.#pray #prayer #IntercessoryPrayers #intercessors #WIN1040 #prayfor1040windowkids #HopeForChildren Source: Mission Source ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

1040 Window Kids
Alarming Rates of Violence Against Children in Nigeria Revealed.Shocking statistics reveal that six out of every ten children in Nigeria experience various forms of violence, including physical and sexual abuse. This situation highlights a critical need for increased protection, advocacy, and support systems to safeguard the well-being and future of Nigerian children.#pray #prayer #IntercessoryPrayers #intercessors #WIN1040 #prayfor1040windowkids #HopeForChildren Source: Mission Source ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

1040 Window Kids
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