Cover for Pray For 1040 Women
Pray For 1040 Women

Pray For 1040 Women

An intercessory prayer page to focus on the problems faced by women in the 10/40 window countries.

5 days ago

Pray For 1040 Women
Women In War-Torn Sudanese City Omdurman Forced To Have Sex In Exchange For Food:Women struggling to survive in the war-torn Sudanese city of Omdurman say they are being forced to have sex with soldiers in exchange for food. More than two dozen women who have been unable to flee fighting in Omdurman said that sexual intercourse with men from the Sudanese army was the only way they could access food or goods that they could sell to raise money to feed their families.#pray #prayer #WIN1040 #prayfor1040women #SudanWar #WarCrimes #sudanesewomenSource: The Guardian ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Pray For 1040 Women
Christian Women In Saudi Arabia:In Saudi Arabia, converting from Islam to Christianity is extremely risky, especially for women like Eve. Her family tried to kill her after she converted. However, her brother-in-law Adam, who was supposed to convince her to return to Islam, also became a Christian. Adam courageously helped Eve and her children escape Saudi Arabia to protect them from harm. Eve's story highlights the dangers that converts, especially women, face in Saudi society.#pray #prayer #WIN1040 #prayfor1040women #persecution #saudichristianwomenSource: Open ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Pray For 1040 Women
A WORD Of Prayer For The Women Entrepreneurs In The 10/40 Window Facing Oppression.#pray #prayer #WIN1040 #prayfor1040women #womenentrepreneurs #oppression ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Pray For 1040 Women
Afghanistan Women’s Cricket Future Again Rests With Wrangling Of Men:The Afghanistan women's cricket team faced abrupt termination following the Taliban's resurgence in 2021, forcing players into exile. Despite seeking clarity from the ICC regarding their playing contracts and future opportunities, progress has been stagnant. Now, they've proposed the establishment of a refugee team in Australia, aiming to unite Afghan women in cricket under one banner and highlight their talent despite the challenges they face.#Pray #Prayer #WIN1040 #PrayFor1040Women #AfghanWomensCricket #AfghanWomen #HumanRightsSource: The Guardian ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Pray For 1040 Women
Secret Believer’s Perseverance:Khada and Ehsan, a courageous couple in Afghanistan, embarked on a journey of faith despite the risks. They discovered Christianity through a Bible given to Khada by her Christian boss. Despite knowing the dangers, they chose to follow Jesus, even getting baptized in secret. They shared their newfound faith with family members, leading many to believe. Tragically, Ehsan lost his life when his secret faith was discovered, but Khada remains steadfast, continuing to follow Jesus despite the challenges and dangers in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. Her faith in Christ sustains her through adversity.#Pray #Prayer #WIN1040 #PrayFor1040Women #AfghanChristians #SecretBelievers #ChristianWomenSource: Open ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Pray For 1040 Women
A WORD Of Prayer For The Women And Girls Facing Gender Discrimination Including Movement Restriction In The 10/40 Window.#pray #prayer #WIN1040 #prayfor1040women #genderbaseddiscrimination #movementrestriction #womenandgirls #JesusOurHope #JesusOurDelivererSource: Mission ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Pray For 1040 Women
Iraq: Kurdistan Region’s authorities failing survivors of domestic violenceThe Kurdistan Region of Iraq’s (KR-I) authorities are failing to ensure that perpetrators of domestic violence, including harrowing cases of murder, rape, beatings, and burning, are held to account, and they are imposing arbitrary restrictions on the freedoms of survivors who seek protection in the shelter system.#Pray #Prayer #WIN1040 #PrayFor1040WomenSource: Amnesty International ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Pray For 1040 Women
Sexual Violence in Afghan Prisons:The emergence of a video describing the gang rape and torture of a female Afghan human rights activist in a Taliban jail has shocked the international community. This footage marks a disturbing escalation in the reports of sexual violence against women and girls detained by the Taliban in Afghanistan. The activist herself received the video as a menacing threat, intended to silence her advocacy against the regime. #pray #prayer #WIN1040 #prayfor1040women #sexualviolence #rape #afghanwomenSource: The ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Pray For 1040 Women
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