Broadcasting God’s Word from a Pakistani Mosque!

It’s not a secret that Pakistan is among the most challenging countries to find good spiritual fruit. Pakistanis are known for their lack of tolerance for other religious beliefs.

Recently, a Muslim village chief looked outside the Koran for wisdom and guidance. His son was rebellious and difficult to manage. Then the Holy Spirit got ahold of him!
The boy had a sudden change in his attitude. Instead of causing trouble, he became respectful and kind. The father was pleased and amazed. He asked his son about the change, and the boy pointed him to audio gospel materials called “Keys for Kids’ Storyteller.” The Storyteller includes an audio Bible and devotional materials written for children. The father was so impressed he broadcasted this material from the mosque loudspeakers!

Let us pray fervently for:

  • Pray this broadcast will not lead to persecution of the village chief, but instead, others will open their hearts to God’s Word (The Bible, Hebrews 4:12).
  • Pray for Bible studies to emerge among adults, boys, and girls (The Bible, Acts 17:11).
  • Pray that this boy’s testimony will lead other boys to make Jesus the Lord of their lives (The Bible, John 4:39).


Mission Network News. Pakistani mosque — the last place you’d imagine broadcasting Scripture. October 4, 2023.