Repentance Comes to a Malian Prison!
In recent years, good news has been rare in Mali, a Muslim nation in the Sahel Desert. Muslim terrorists have infiltrated their government. Situations like this mean thousands of violent people are in the prison system. Thieves, murderers, and other violent men share prison cells with vulnerable women and children.
Late last year, a Christian worker came to a Malian prison. Knowing this might be the only chance for prisoners from various tribes to hear the gospel, he asked the head prison guard for permission to address the crowd. The guard called everyone into the central courtyard to listen to the message. This Christian worker gave them a solid gospel message, starting with the foundation: repentance. As he spoke about repentance, many were convicted. This included both prisoners and prison staff. Some had tears streaming down their faces. One man cried out, “I am guilty. This man is telling the truth. God help me!” They asked for prayer, which the Christian worker gladly delivered. Many were blessed and continued their day with joy and peace.
Now comes the hard part. Those who repented must turn from their old ways and begin a new life.
A missionary prayer letter