Tunisia Detains Illegal Sub-Saharan Migrants
Sub-Saharan migrants in Tunisia face deportation and arrest. The Tunisian Government receives over a billion Euros to police their coast against illegal crossings. Despite Tunisia’s official stand of not wanting to be “Europe’s Coast Guard”, they opted to keep their country clear of Sub-Saharan migrants.
Pray for the fair and humane treatment of all detained Sub-Saharan migrants (The Bible, Exodus 22:21).
Pray for those who escaped from oppressive regimes to find favor with Tunisian officials. Pray for them to be deported to a neutral country (The Bible, Leviticus 19:33).
Pray against human traffickers who lure Sub-Saharan migrants with the promise of jobs in Europe. Pray for their exposure and for action against them (The Bible, Psalm 3:7).
Source: Tunisian group accuses authorities of mass expulsions of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa