Latest from Somalia
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In recent years, good news has been rare in Mali, a Muslim nation in the Sahel Desert. Muslim terrorists have infiltrated their government. Situations like this mean thousands of violent people are in the prison system. Thieves, murderers, and other violent men share prison cells with vulnerable women and [...]
In June, a group of unknown men beat a group of women and kicked them in the head in the city of Tangshan. The assailants used bottles and chairs in this unprovoked attack. In January, a woman was chained by her neck in a shack. These two incidents have [...]
Somalia, situated on the horn of Africa, is on the horns of a dilemma – looming famine. Unless this plight catches the eye of the world in the midst of the bigger headlines about the Russian/Ukrainian conflict, this impoverished nation’s pending disaster may go largely unnoticed. Martin Griffiths, the [...]
China’s marriage rates have been on the decline for eight years while their divorce rates are climbing dramatically. 2021 saw the lowest birth rate since 1949 and the lowest population growth in 60 years, according to China’s National Bureau of Statistics. Clearly, the world’s second-biggest nation will face major [...]
An ongoing civil war threatens to tear apart Ethiopia, Africa’s second-largest nation. The latest event is a massacre of over 200 members of the Amhara ethnic group on Sunday, 19 June. Witnesses of the massacre claim it was the Oromo Liberation Army (O.L.A.) that committed the atrocity. It is [...]
A recent attack by Jihadi rebels killed 132 civilians in central Mali. The attacks indicate that extremist violence is spreading from northern Mali to the more central areas. The government claimed the attacks were carried out by Jihadi rebels of the Katiba group. A U.N. peacekeeping mission began in [...]
Chad is poor, even by sub-Saharan African standards. There is a life expectancy of 49 years, and over 85 percent of their people face regular hunger. A high percentage of the people in Chad live and die by agriculture. There are farmers trying to eke out a living on [...]
Dear 10/40 Window Prayer Partner, Warm Kingdom greetings! Thank you for your faithful and consistent prayers. There is a high risk of civil war in Sudan yet again. Despite attempts to call for a truce, the chances of a prolonged conflict are growing. Just this week, more [...]