What is there not to Like About a Disciple Making App?

What happens when missionaries yearn to see God’s Kingdom extend into a place where persecution and government surveillance frequently stop it cold? The countries of North Africa are Muslim, and the governments do not want the gospel to make inroads. Christian Workers must find ways to get in … without being there themselves.

In today’s world, there are apps that provide all the tools needed to teach new Christian believers how to disciple others to make more disciples. It contains teachings from the Bible and ways to teach others about the life-changing Savior, Jesus Christ. Disciples in closed countries like Algeria can make instructive videos using simple smartphones. They can translate existing materials into the local language without the involvement of outsiders. What is there not to like?

Let us pray fervently for:

  • The discipleship resources that are being developed to be protected from enemies of the gospel (The Bible, 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2).
  • The Holy Spirit to give wisdom to those developing apps and other media tools (The Bible, Proverbs 2:6-8).
  • The gospel materials will not look foreign, but instead that they will be readily embraced by people from all over North Africa (The Bible, Acts 17:1-2).


A missionary prayer letter