Nigerian Government Fails to Stop Violence in southern Kaduna

With man’s basic carnal instincts unchecked, mankind can sink to unimaginable depths of depravity. That is precisely what is happening in Nigeria’s southern Kaduna region. Marauding Fulani herdsmen as well as other unchecked terrorist groups are wreaking havoc on unprotected villagers. Kidnappings are routine and the terrorists’ chief means of getting money. Victims are held for ransom until the kidnappers’ demands are met, and then more than likely even those delivering the ransom are captured and held for ransom. Who is to stop this ongoing travesty? You would think that the government would step in and exercise its authority, but the government either chooses not to do so or is impotent in its ability to end this terrorism.
The atrocities being committed are unimaginable, ranging from the rape of both men and women to brutal assaults with machetes hacking victims to death. CSW, the Commission on the Status of Women, reports that these ongoing attacks “occurring in the run-up to the Christmas holidays raises concerns of a possible campaign to disrupt the festive season in this predominantly Christian area.” Churches have been burned to the ground, and people have been dragged from their homes and hacked to death with machetes. During the most blessed season for Christians worldwide who celebrate the birth of the Savior who came to redeem fallen man, carnal, unchecked mankind can be guilty of unthinkable inhumanity against innocent victims.
The world still needs to hear of our blessed Savior who bore the sins of the whole world on his body during his excruciating death on the cross, “for God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).