Internet Pulls People to Japan’s Shinto Religion

Japan has much “soft” power, meaning the world loves aspects of their popular culture. All over the globe, people have gained a taste for anime, video games, and martial arts. More recently, the Japanese have added another cultural export: the Shinto religion. In this century, the Internet has provided [...]

What Should African Christians Do About the Epidemic of Coups?

Leaders of the United Nations describe Africa as having an “epidemic” of coups these past two years. During this time, there have been successful coups in Mali, Chad, Guinea, Sudan, and Burkina Faso. Unsuccessful coups happened in Niger, Central African Republic, and Madagascar. Freedom House pointed out that global [...]


Since her independence on August 15, 1947, the Indian government has usually had a good human rights record. For decades, they elected prime ministers from the democratically-minded Congress Party. Initially, there were bloody encounters between the Hindu majority and the large Muslim minority, but each prime minister strongly discouraged [...]

Is Saudi Arabia Changing?

In most of the Muslim world, people add Islam to their old religious practices. Charms, amulets, belief in the evil eye and jinns (spirits) are common. The place where you are least likely to find pre-Islamic beliefs in Saudi Arabia, where Islam originated. They practice Islam as it was [...]

Who Is Chad’s Worst Enemy?

Chad is poor, even by sub-Saharan African standards. There is a life expectancy of 49 years, and over 85 percent of their people face regular hunger. A high percentage of the people in Chad live and die by agriculture. There are farmers trying to eke out a living on [...]

Persecution of Christians in Nigeria Might Increase in 2022

The word “metastasized” is a strong word. This term has to do with the spreading of something deadly to new areas. This is a term that Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), a religious rights organization based in the United Kingdom, uses to describe the situation in Nigeria. CSW members include [...]

Hard Times Ahead for Taiwan

October was very nerve-wracking for Taiwan. It began on October 1 when the People's Republic of China (PRC) "celebrated" the anniversary of the Communist Party by flying fighter jets into Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone. However, they did remain outside the nation's claimed airspace. The People’s Republic of China [...]

Indonesia/Covid crisis

During the one and a half years covid 19 has been ravaging the planet, the hardest hit areas have moved from place to place. In the spring of 2020, it was especially lethal in Los Angeles. A year later India was being hard hit. Since it’s a novel virus, [...]


For the first time in 20 years, American troops will not be in Afghanistan; the last day of August was the final withdrawal … or “retreat” as some would put it. The United States is not alone in withdrawing from Afghanistan. At the height of their power in the [...]

Water is scarce in Iraq

The human body is 60 percent water; there are good reasons why we need it. It is a well-known fact that the human body can only survive for about three days without water. For this reason, water is critical for life in dry climates. Iraqis live in a hot, [...]

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