A Hope and A Future for Mongolia’s Youth

There was no Church in Mongolia until the 1990s. Previous to that time, the nation was engulfed in Communist ideology. Even their traditional Buddhism and shamanism were practiced in secret.
Then came the end of Communism in 1991. The first to accept the gospel were teenage girls, the people with the lowest status in Mongolian society. As time went on and the Lord established His power by healing Mongolian elders, the gospel became acceptable to those who had been leaders in Mongolia.
Today, there is still a fight for Mongolia’s youth. The country is heading towards traditional shamanism, a spiritual force that calls on dark spirits. There is a group of Christian Believers who are running ministries for children and youth. They are badly understaffed, but the Lord may have recently provided an answer through a September outreach by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Two thousand Mongolians committed their lives to Christ, most of them youths!
A missionary prayer letter
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Search is Over for Many New Mongolian Believers. September 13, 2022