God Offers Healing to Trafficked Women Through A Coffee House

Coffee houses are the perfect place to have deep conversations. They provide an informal, relaxed setting where people are free to discuss just about anything. For that reason, Flourish Café was established in 2021 in Indonesia to help women who were victims of human trafficking. They could have honest conversations with other women about the trauma they encountered. These conversations help them find emotional and spiritual healing.

Adding a more direct spiritual dimension, the people who run this café offer a comparative study of the Bible and the Koran. Each Saturday, women can learn from these two holy books so they can understand the similarities and differences. Equally important, they learn verses that help heal women from trauma and depression. When these Muslim women learn about the God who is a loving Father, the same one who heals and makes us whole, they fall in love with Him! There are hundreds of Bible verses about God’s loving kindness and mercy that can take them from trauma to wholeness.

At least one woman understands she needs to pray to Jesus, something that would not be acceptable for a devout Muslim. She has had dreams about Jesus communicating with her. This is a common way God breaks through the Islamic barrier since most Muslims live in closed countries where people know little about the teachings of the Bible.

Let us pray fervently for:

  • God to use these studies to bring about healing and restoration (shalom) to suffering women (The Bible, Luke 24:36).
  • Women to share what God has done for them with their husbands and children (The Bible, Mark 5:19).
  • Thank the Lord for the abundant blessing He is providing through Flourish Café (The Bible, Psalm 7:17).


A missionary prayer letter