Breakthrough in Syria

We almost never hear good news coming out of Syria, a nation wracked by a seemingly never-ending civil war. Yet in the darkness, Christ can shine His light the brightest! There is a woman in Syria who put her trust in Jesus Christ and called her brother in Libya to tell him she accepted the Good News. This was especially audacious since he is a member of the Islamic State. He was so distressed that he returned to Syria to stop her. He was too late. By the time she took baptism; she had won three other Muslims to join her. In another part of Syria, there is a family that decided to follow the only Savior, and they are so bold that other Christians are concerned that they will cause a backlash.

Let us pray fervently for:

Pray that these Muslim men and women will continue to engage with God’s Word and share what they learn with others. (The Bible, Acts 17:11)

Pray that this family will be able to listen and learn from wise counsel without losing their boldness and passion for sharing with others. (The Bible, 1 Corinthians 13: 11-12)

Pray that they will not burn their bridges and will grow in healthy relationships in this community of believers. (The Bible, John 13:34)

Pray for boldness tempered by love among new Muslim Background Believers in Syria. (The Bible, 1 Corinthians 14:1)
