A Harvest of Fruit in Muslim North Africa

Throughout history, the places where new ideas take hold have often been port cities. This is where ideas come and go freely, and it’s much more difficult for cultural “gatekeepers” to stop the spread of outside ideas. Many of the Apostle Paul’s church plants were in places where ships came and went.

The same is true today. North Africa is a solidly Sunni Muslim region, but there are port cities where the gospel can penetrate. In one of these cities (not named for security reasons), there are church planters who are sowing broadly, investing their lives deeply, and seeking those who are open to spiritual change. They are discipling Muslim background believers to become church planters, and to disciple others. This past summer they made excellent traction with a media outreach. They hosted many short-term teams who distributed Christian media resources far and wide. Now they face the bittersweet prospect of not having enough workers to follow up on initial evangelistic efforts and disciple new believers.

Let us pray fervently for:

  • For an abundance of workers who will not be stopped (The Bible, Luke 10:2 ).
  • For these follow-ups to yield long-term fruit of true repentance and salvation that leads to societal transformation (The Bible, Matthew 3:8).
  • The team is also engaged in intense prayer for their city; pray for Christian Believers from all stripes to join in regular intercession The Bible, Acts 1:14).


A Missionary Prayer Letter