Day 19
Bahrain has been criticized for its limitations on freedom of expression, with authorities cracking down on dissenting voices, including journalists, activists, and social media users. Concerns include arbitrary detention, torture, unfair trials, and the use of military courts to prosecute civilians. Bahrain has also been accused of targeting healthcare workers, students, and athletes for their involvement in protests or dissent.
Sovereign God, we pray for the civilians in Bahrain to experience absolute constitutional freedom (The Holy Bible, Psalm 97:1).
Arise, O’ LORD, do not let the oppressor prevail in the nation. Let them be judged in Your sight (The Holy Bible, Psalm 9:19).
Bahrain is a prosperous Arabian Peninsula nation. The Bahrain economy flourished for a long time on oil revenues. In recent years, with the oil output decreasing, the government introduced alternative products to supplement the lost income. With the adverse migrant worker policy introduced in 2018 and a dissolved opposition in 2022, Bahrain is no longer a preferred migrant destination. Christianity is a regular fixture in Bahrain. However, there is no provision for conversion from Islam. Persecution reports are rare, especially with no independent press.
Day 19
Sexual abuse and harassment occur across various settings in Taiwan, including the workplace, schools, public spaces, and families. The #MeToo movement has gained momentum in Taiwan, with survivors sharing their stories on social media and advocating for systemic change. High-profile cases of sexual misconduct in various sectors, including politics, entertainment, and academia, have prompted public discussions and calls for accountability. The Taiwanese government has taken steps to address sexual abuse and harassment, including legislative reforms, public awareness campaigns, and the establishment of support services for survivors. However, challenges remain in implementing and enforcing these measures effectively.
Pray for the immediate implementation and effective enforcement of stringent laws to combat sexual abuses and harassment in the country (The Holy Bible, Proverbs 11:14).
Father GOD, we pray for the vulnerable and victims of sexual abuse in Taiwan. Be their hiding place and protect them from all the trouble (The Holy Bible, Psalm 32:7).
Taiwan is a politically complex country. International allies continue to vanish. More international groups and organizations continue to ignore and do not recognize the sovereignty of Taiwan. The threat of Chinese occupation looms at large every day in Taiwan. Although Taiwan enjoys freedom of religion, the Church remains dormant. More missionaries from mainland China visit Taiwan for evangelical outreach. Persecution exists for Christian converts from traditional religious beliefs.