Day 17
Praise Points
Djibouti is slowly gaining telecom facilities that allow ordinary civilians to use the internet. Praise God for this development since it will usher in online evangelical outreach programs (The Bible, Psalm 27:1).
Praise God, for the country has no significant Islamic radical presence (The Bible, Psalm 34:2).
Prayer Points
Pray for God’s Wisdom upon the Djibouti government to develop the coastline for marine tourism and establish seafood processing plants (The Bible, Psalm 2:10).
Pray for the youth of Djibouti to find and develop innovative business ideas (The Bible, Proverbs 29:11).
Pray for God’s Children among the foreign forces stationed in Djibouti to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the local people they contact (The Bible, Matthew 28:16-20).
A Call to Salvation
Let the tired and the weary in Djibouti seek the ONE and TRUE GOD. Let there be a rich Kingdom Harvest in the land (The Bible, Psalm 62:1).
Promise to the Nation
Restore to me the joy of Your Salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me (The Bible, Psalm 51:12).
Djibouti is an East African country in the Horn of Africa. The country has volatile weather, and the arid landscape has little scope for agriculture. The country was a former French colony. They have very limited transportation infrastructure. Unlike most African countries, Djibouti does not have rich mineral deposits or a climate suitable for crops. Apart from tomatoes, they do not have any other vegetables in cultivation. Djibouti is a trade transit country. They do not have a sustainable economy. They depend heavily on the West for loans and infrastructure development. France, Germany, Japan, China, and the United States have troops stationed in Djibouti. Although the country is almost entirely Muslim, there are no real curbs on religious freedom as of now. However, the majority of the population remains unemployed and is seeking illegal activities (drug trafficking, human trafficking) to make a living.