People once thought mission work involved a small set of skills: theology, medicine, teaching, or relief. Today, there is a broader understanding of how to reach the nations with the gospel. People now recognize that personal contact with those unfamiliar with the gospel is a crucial element. For example, some have established businesses to provide contact in the workplace.

Recently, a team of workers has begun to use fitness and health to connect with Yemeni women. In a culture where women’s lives are strictly regulated, they often lack an outlet for maintaining their health. Most Yemeni women stay home to tend to family, frequently neglecting their own health needs. As a result, women fall victim to preventable health issues.

Exercise classes offer Christians the opportunity to help women become fitter, both physically and spiritually. The leaders of these classes share with Muslim women what Jesus provides to those who choose to accept His Lordship. Their goal is to introduce women to Disciple-Making Movements, enabling them to disciple their children and friends.


Let us pray fervently for:

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will work on the hearts of Muslim Yemeni women, quickening their hearts, and giving them a spiritual hunger for the things of Christ (The Bible, Acts 16:14).
  • Pray for the team of workers to work well together, specifically in their prayer efforts (The Bible, Acts 1:14).
  • Pray for protection for the team; Yemen is a dangerous nation (The Bible, Psalm 64:1).



A missionary prayer letter