Uzbekistan is a former Soviet Socialist Republic that is oscillating between Sunni Islam and secularism. The government is understandably weary of Islamicists, so it clamps down on any religious activities. Unfortunately, that includes the emerging infant Church. Government restrictions are very real to people in Uzbekistan who call Christ Lord. For that reason, and because of local hostility to the gospel, churches need to meet in homes. That way, they stay under the radar screen of the government and hostile neighbors.

Though the Church is under scrutiny, God is on the move. Not only are there home groups where they pray and study the Bible, but there are children’s materials in the local language. The Word of God will be etched into the hearts of Uzbekistan’s future family leaders. The team of Christ-followers is in the process of producing worship music in the local language. This will be a major step towards establishing the gospel message as being “Uzbek” rather than foreign.

Let us pray fervently for:

  • Praise God for those who are actively sharing Christ and extending His Kingdom to the hearts of people in Uzbekistan! Pray that God will protect and empower them (The Bible, Luke 10:19).
  • Pray that house churches will continue to emerge and spread throughout Uzbekistan (The Bible, Acts 2:42).
  • Pray for the final printing of the team’s children’s books in the local language and for open hearts and opportunities through the distribution of this book. Pray that every person who reads this book will have a deeper understanding of the love of God (The Bible, Luke 18:15-17).
  • Pray for the team to be enabled by the Holy Spirit to creatively articulate the good news through songs of praise (The Bible, Psalm 95:2).



A missionary prayer letter