Day 15
Sri Lanka
Praise Points
Praise God for the perseverance of the Sri Lankan Church (The Bible, Hebrews 12:1).
Praise God for the economic recovery in Sri Lanka (The Bible, Psalm 6:4).
Prayer Points
Pray for Sri Lanka’s government to take the necessary steps to curb religious extremism (The Bible, Psalm 58:1).
Pray for members of the Buddhist and Islamic extremist groups to encounter Jesus Christ in dreams and visions (The Bible, Acts 2:17).
Pray for God’s Children in Sri Lanka to be safe to undertake the Great Commission in this tropical paradise (The Bible, Matthew 5:13).
A Call to Salvation
Let the Holy Spirit soften hardened hearts in Sri Lanka so that they can become compassionate and receptive to the Gospel of Jesus Christ (The Bible, John 15:26).
Promise to the Nation
We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him.” (The Bible, Acts 5:32).
Sri Lanka is a South Asian country that recently found itself in economic turmoil. The country’s economy is slowly picking up, and the agricultural reforms that triggered the collapse and subsequent bankruptcy are now implemented in moderation. The country is not listed in the Open Doors Persecution List. However, persecution of Christians is prevalent in the country. Extremist Buddhist and Islamic groups constantly harass the Christian community. This harassment includes the demolition of houses, physical violence, bombings, and burning of church buildings.