Day 1
Praise Points
Praise God for His Workers, whom He sent to Mauritania to establish His Kingdom in this desert country where millions of souls starve for peace and justice (The Bible, Mark 16:20).
Praise God for the few brave Mauritanian Christian Believers who bravely take the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ to the lost in their country (The Bible, Matthew 28:19).
Prayer Points
Pray for the US and the EU to set aside their political aspirations in the region and force the Mauritanian government to take definitive measures to end slavery in the country for good in reality (The Bible, Isaiah 59:15).
Pray for God’s Protection for abolition activists in Mauritania (The Bible, Psalm 27:1).
Pray for God’s divine intervention to eliminate all the government players involved in the prolonging of slavery in Mauritania to be exposed and to stand trial for their crimes (The Bible, Isaiah 5:20).
A Call to Salvation
Let the bounds of slavery be struck down in the Name of Jesus Christ. Let those evil people who illegally own slaves and treat them inhumanely meet with the same blinding encounter that Saul had on the road to Damascus (The Bible, Psalm 146:7).
Promise for the Nation
Set me free from my prison, that I may praise Your Name. Then the righteous will gather about me because of Your goodness to me (The Bible, Psalm 142:7).
Mauritania is a North African desert country which meets the sea on one side. This country has a dark secret that the government strives hard to hide from the world – SLAVERY! Although on paper, the government has banned slavery since 1981 and criminalized the ownership of slaves in 2007, over 20% of Mauritania is still enslaved. Despite multiple sting operations by world press, including CNN, in 2012, no Western country has come out to condemn Mauritania. This lack of action by the West is due to the vast mineral resources in the country, including iron and, by 2025, oil. Mauritania is ranked 23rd in the Open Doors USA Persecuted Countries list in 2024. Mauritania is also one of the poorest countries in the world.