Day 24
Praise Points
Praise God for the reduction of persecution in Malaysia especially when Christian Believers are no longer forcibly evicted from their homes The Bible, Psalm 31:23).
Praise God for Christian Believers who share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others in Malaysia (The Bible, Psalm 103:20).
Prayer Points
Pray for God’s protection for Malaysian women and girls who converted from Islam. Pray for God’s supernatural intervention to protect them from forced marriage to Muslim men (The Bible, Psalm 6:4).
Pray for God’s Children to develop innovative ideas to fellowship with new Christian Believers in Malaysia (The Bible, Proverbs 1:5).
Pray for God’s favor upon His Church in Malaysia. Pray for Malaysian Christian Believers to find favor in the sight of government agencies, the local population, and their superiors at work (The Bible, 1 Samuel 2:9).
A Call to Salvation
Let those who persecute the Malaysian Church be drawn to the TRUTH. Let them know the Salvation of Jesus Christ (The Bible, John 8:32).
Promise to the Nation
Persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed (The Bible, 2 Corinthians 4:9).
Malaysia is a Southeast Asian country. There is diversity of different cultures and languages in this country. Malaysia is an economic powerhouse in the region, with revenues generated from crude oil, rubber, and palm oil. They are also the region’s top supplier of hardwoods. Malaysia was in the headlines over the abduction and disappearance of Pastor Raymond Koh a few years ago. It was a probe by the subsequent government which concluded that the disappearance was state-sponsored. Over the next few years, the Malaysian government has toned down the calls for persecution against Christian Believers. This reduction in persecution levels does not include new Christian Believers who converted from Islam. There are laws against such conversions. The persecution is not limited to intimidation or discrimination. Although Open Doors dropped Malaysia to 49th rank in the Persecuted Country List for 2024, persecution of Christian Believers persists.