Day 11
Praise Points
Praise God for the perseverance of the Laotian Church (The Bible, Luke 14:27).
Praise God for the courageous Laotian Brothers and Sisters who open their homes for Christian Believers to meet in the face of adversity (The Bible, Deuteronomy 31:6).
Prayer Points
Pray for the Laotian Christian Believers to have access to quality pastoral education over the Internet (The Bible, Exodus 33:13).
Pray for Laotian Pastors to be able to attend international training conferences online (The Bible, Psalm 27:11).
Pray for God’s protection for all our Brothers and Sisters in Laos (The Bible, Psalm 91).
A Call to Salvation
Let the lives of Christian Believers in Laos shine through the darkness and attract more people to the Salvation in Jesus Christ (The Bible, Daniel 12:3).
Promise for the Nation
Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; (The Bible, 1 Peter 5:2).
Laos is a Southeast Asian country that has a long history of persecution. All churches have to be registered with the government. However, House Churches are not allowed. It is illegal for them to operate in the country. Even if they are registered with the registered churches, they are not considered legal, and attending members are subject to extreme persecution. Given the circumstances, there is no scope for creating Bible colleges in the country. Hence, trained pastors are not available. The converts from Buddhism face more severe persecution from their own family. The laws in rural areas decree that families should be evicted with converts. Hence, the families protect their property holdings. Despite the persecution, the Laotian Church continues to grow—the Open Doors Persecution List for 2024 lists the country at 21st rank.