Day 26
Praise Points
Praise God for the Church in Cambodia. Praise God for their steady growth.
Praise God for the perseverance of the Cambodian Church.
Prayer Points
Pray for God’s protection for our beloved Brothers and Sisters who share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with their friends and neighbors.
Pray for God’s protection for all Church-run educational institutions.
Pray for God’s Children to occupy places of authority in the government.
Pray for God to protect leaders of the Church against frivolous charges to prevent the Kingdom Work.
A Call to Salvation
Let Cambodia’s Kingdom Harvest be abundant for all the prayers and the sacrificial work done by Kingdom Workers.
Promise to the Nation
The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord; He is their stronghold in time of trouble (The Bible, Psalm 37:39).
Cambodia is a Southeast Asian country. The country does not rank on the Open Doors Persecution List for 2024. However, there are reports of government corruption, oppression, intimidation of opposition politicians, and systematic silencing of independent press. The country has seen much carnage during the civil war with the Khmer Rouge. The only television channels available are government-controlled. There is not much information on persecution, however, any controlling and authoritarian regime does not feel comfortable with the growth of the Church. The law mandates no religion apart from Buddhism can be preached in the country. Even literature other than Buddhism, cannot be distributed outside the compound of the religious establishment. Only 2% of the population in Cambodia is evangelical Christians. All churches have to be registered with the government. However, the registration process is strenuous and does not guarantee that the government will leave registered churches alone. Raids and shutdowns of churches and even connected schools face the same reality. Our Brothers and Sisters in Cambodia need our prayers.