Day 19
Praise Points
Praise God for the freedom of migrant workers in Bahrain to practice their religion of choice (The Bible, Psalm 86:9).
Praise God that more than half of the country’s workforce is migrant workers where tent-making is possible (The Bible, Acts 18:3).
Prayer Points
Pray for God’s Salvation message to reach every Bahraini household (The Bible, Romans 13:11).
Pray for migrant workers with a zeal for the Great Commission to receive opportunities in Bahrain (The Bible, Romans 1:16).
Pray for new Christian Believers in Bahrain to find fellowship for mentorship, discipleship, and encouragement (The Bible, Acts 2:42).
A Call to Salvation
Let God’s Promises become rooted in the hearts of new Christian Believers in Bahrain, and may they be the beacon for the lost (The Bible, Isaiah 43:4).
Promise to the Nation
But if we walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin (The Bible, 1 John 1:7).
Bahrain was the first country in the Arabian Peninsula to generate oil revenue. The country made technological advancements, allowing 1.5 million migrant workers to make a better living. Bahrain is a monarchy, and dissenting against the government is illegal. They imprison and torture activists quite often. The societal environment is relatively liberal compared to the rest of the countries in this region. While there are no restrictions on religious beliefs for migrant workers, conversion from Islam is illegal. Yet, with adequate freedom to receive Christian radio channels and Christian programs on the Internet, Bahrain is open to a wonderful Kingdom Harvest.