Day 23
Praise Points
Praise God for the growing Church in Chad. Pray for them to grow stronger in their walk with God through radio programs and other Christian literature available in the region (The Bible, Romans 12:12).
Praise God for the evangelistic efforts of Kingdom Workers in Chad (The Bible, 1 Corinthians 1:9).
Prayer Points
Pray for the Christian Believers living in northern Chad. Pray for God’s Comfort upon them amidst persecution (The Bible, Proverbs 18:10).
Pray for the Christian Believers in the southern region. Pray for them to continue personal evangelism among their friends and neighbors (The Bible, Mark 16:15).
Pray for the Islamic clerics in northern Chad to see dreams and visions of Jesus Christ and for them to know the true Living God (The Bible, John 8:32).
A Call to Salvation
Let the Church in Chad have a revival and become the epicenter of Christendom in East Africa (The Bible, Psalm 8:2).
Promise to the Nation
The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in His Love He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing (The Bible, Zephaniah 3:17).
Chad is an East African country. Rich in minerals and cotton plantations, the economy could be better if they had more railway infrastructure. Like other former French colonies, Chad has no transportation infrastructure besides a few airports. Landlocked and without railway infrastructure, the movement of goods suffers. Chad has a few roads. However, they are unsuitable for transporting raw materials, especially during the rainy season, which starts in July. Christians can follow their faith with relative calm in areas with good numbers – like the southern region. In areas where Islamic clerics have influence, Christian Believers suffer discrimination and societal isolation.
Day 23
Praise Points
Praise God for growing the Algerian Church from the Muslim population. Praise God for answering the prayers of millions of global intercessors for expanding His Kingdom in the country (The Bible, Jeremiah 29:11).
Praise God for the perseverance of the Christian Believers in Algeria (The Bible, Romans 5:3).
Prayer Points
Pray for our Algerian Brothers and Sisters to find favor in the sight of government authorities (The Bible, Proverbs 8:35).
Pray for Christian radio programs to increase in the airwaves of Algeria to equip new Christian Believers with lessons on discipleship and obedience to God (The Bible, 1 John 3:1).
Pray for the indigenous Algerian Church. Pray for their continuous growth despite the extreme persecution (The Bible, Hebrews 10:36).
A Call to Salvation
Let the Algerian diaspora receive Biblical instruction in their destination countries. Let them return to Algeria to take up leadership roles within the Church (The Bible, 2 Thessalonians 1:4).
Promise to the Nation
You have persevered and have endured hardships for My Name, and have not grown weary (The Bible, Revelation 2:3).
Algeria has been rising up the ranks in the Open Doors Persecuted Countries List in recent years. Violence against the Church is increasing rapidly. Church demolitions, arrests of pastors, and physical harm to Christian Believers are rampant. Algeria does not have any significant missionary organization. Yet, the Algerian Church is growing steadily. The majority of Christian Believers in Algeria are from a Muslim background. They choose to remain secret or try to leave the country. In 2024, Algeria’s rank for persecution is 15th.