Cover for Pray4NKorea


North Korea, Asia

Population: 25,115,311 (2016 est)

Supreme Leader: Kim Jong-Un

Christians: 1.7%

3 days ago

A WORD Of Prayer On Behalf Of The Families Enduring Financial Burden In North Korea. #pray #prayer #WIN1040 #pray4NorthKorea #EconomicCrisis #poverty ... See MoreSee Less
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5 days ago

North Korean Defectors:South Korea celebrated its first Defectors’ Day on July 14th, honoring the 34,000 North Koreans who have resettled there. The occasion was underscored by the defection of Ri Il-kyu, a senior North Korean diplomat in Cuba, highlighting his disillusionment with the regime. The number of defectors has dwindled due to stringent Chinese border controls and intensified internal repression in North Korea, as highlighted by reports of severe consequences for those attempting to flee.#Pray #Prayer #WIN1040 #Pray4NorthKorea #NorthKoreanDefectors #OppressionSource: The Guardian ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

North Korean Freedom Week:Last week was North Korean Freedom Week, recognizing the courage of escapees as well as millions of people who still suffer in the hermit nation. The people of North Korea desperately need hope that can’t be taken away. Whether or not they escape an earthly dictatorship, they can know freedom in the promises of Jesus Christ. #Pray #Prayer #WIN1040 #Pray4NorthKorea #JesusOurDeliverer #FreedomInChristSource: Mission Network ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

A WORD Of Encouragement For The North Korean Christians Facing Persecution.#pray #prayer #WIN1040 #pray4NorthKorea #northkoreanchristians #persecution ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

North Korea Doubles Down On English Education Amid Growing Tensions With US:Under Kim Jong Un's leadership, North Korea has been teaching English more in its schools, even though it doesn't like the United States. They're focusing on practical skills like computers and using English in real life. This change aims to help North Korea develop technologically and connect more with the world, despite their ongoing issues with the US and concerns about Western culture.#pray #prayer #WIN1040 #pray4NorthKorea #northkoreanschools #northkoreankidsSource: VOA ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Church Buildings In North Korea:After World War II, North Korea allied with the Soviet Union and adopted communism. Christians faced harsh persecution, and even though North Korea later created a Korean Christian Federation and built a few church buildings in Pyongyang, these are essentially for show. They only hold services when foreigners visit, hiding the fact that North Korean citizens cannot freely practice their faith. It's a facade of religious freedom, masking severe restrictions and oppression. During his brief visit, the Russian leader Putin visited the Russian Orthodox Church in North Korea.#pray #prayer #WIN1040 #pray4NorthKorea #churchesinnorthkorea #persecutionSource: Open ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

A WORD Of Wisdom About Not To Rely On Manpower And Nuclear Power For Defense But To Rely On The LORD.#pray #prayer #WIN1040 #pray4NorthKorea #PowerOfGod #jesusthelordSource: Mission ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Imprisoned Missionaries:Jin Young, the son of imprisoned South Korean missionary Choe Chun-gil, made an international appeal at a United Nations meeting for his father's release from North Korea. Chun-gil, along with six other South Koreans, had been detained since 2014 with their whereabouts unknown.#pray #prayer #WIN1040 #pray4NorthKorea #imprisonedmissionary #persecution #ChristiansSource: Christian News ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Repressive Regime:North Korea has become more isolated, repressive and brutal, since the COVID-19 pandemic. As Human Rights Watch documented in a recent report, the North Korean government enforced stringent measures, placing extreme and unnecessary restrictions on peoples’ most basic freedoms. Measures included enhanced border controls, regional lockdowns and severe restrictions on trade and movement, ultimately tightening the government’s control over virtually every aspect of its people’s lives.#Pray #Prayer #WIN1040 #Pray4NorthKorea #RepressiveRegime #HumanRightsViolationsSource: Human Rights ... See MoreSee Less
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