A page to raise intercessory prayers for the people of Albania in the perspective of the 7 Mountains of influence.
Albania, we bless you today, in Jesus’ Name, with the joy of the Lord, who is your strength. May the joy of the Lord set people free from discontent and uncertainty concerning the future.Bless the government with wisdom from above to lead their nation into a new future, free from corruption and increased educational and job opportunities for a bright future.Bless church leadership with wisdom to help their congregations know the will of the Father concerning their nation and the role of the Church to lead.God, we pray for Albania to be filled with the Holy Spirit, the presence of God in our lives today. We pray that You will lead and direct with clarity and vision (The Bible, Habakkuk 2:2).
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Pray that this gap will be filled in the coming years as more emphasis on training takes place. Pray that those who convert to Christianity will grow strong in the Lord and in His Word (The Bible, Psalm 31:24).#pray4albania #1040win