India has been a prominent location for Christian missionary work. An Australian Christian missionary, Graham Staines dedicated much of his life to Odisha, India. The focus of his work was on leprosy patients. He arrived in India in 1965 and served them by providing medical care, education, and vocational training. The tragic death of Staines and his two young sons occurred the night of January 22, 1999, when they were burned alive by a mob while they slept in the car. A mob of over 50 people led by a fundamentalist leader named Dara Singh surrounded the vehicle and set it on fire. The attack was condemned by both political and religious leaders not only in India but also worldwide. Staines’ martyrdom left an indelible memory in the country.

India endured the worst violence against Christians in its history in August 2008, when 60,000 Christians were burned out of their homes, and 100 Christian pastors were murdered, with even more wounded. What sparked this violence? The murder of Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati. A commemoration of this tragic event is planned for August 25-26 in Jaleshpata, Odisha. There are genuine concerns that the commemoration will spark violence and bloodshed.

Let Us Pray For…

Odisha State Leaders are accused of fueling persecution against Christians. They have membership in a radical organization.

  • Pray that State Leaders and all who come to commemorate Sadhu Saraswati’s death become followers of Jesus Christ and supporters of India’s Constitution, giving the people religious freedom! (The Bible, Acts 9:1-19)

The Odisha Government has requested the early release of Dara Singh, the murderer of Missionary Graham Staines and his sons in 1999, causing fear among Christians.

Followers of radical movements are being called to Kandhamal and being asked to bring weapons. This is the same place where 60,000 Christians were burned out of their homes in 2008.

Four pastors of churches in the area where Graham Staines was murdered have been taken into protective custody. Their wives are vowing to keep the churches open.

  • Pray the pastors have supernatural courage, strength, and protection and that God performs miracles on their behalf! (The Bible, Joshua 1:9Psalms 91Ephesians 6:12)

Christian Believers worldwide pray earnestly for Believers in Odisha for God’s supernatural protection over our Brothers, Sisters, and their families.

  • Pray against violence and plead to the Lord to protect persecuted Believers. Pray that the Angels of God’s army will fight against demonic forces targeting Christians. (The Bible, Psalms 34:72 Thessalonians 3:3)

Christians in Odisha have prayer-walked every district, breaking strongholds and praying blessings over the people and state of Odisha.

  • Pray for Christians in Odisha to stand firm in their faith, knowing that the Word of God tells us He will use evil for good. The battle belongs to the Lord! (The Bible, 1 Corinthians 16:13Genesis 50:20)
  •  God’s supernatural power will overcome the powers of darkness in this spiritual confrontation between good and evil. (The Bible, Deuteronomy 20:4,1 Samuel 17:47).

Source: Adapted from prayer letter from Odisha Ministry Leader with permission.